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Fresh Manna
What is Fresh Manna?
Manna is defined as any sudden or unexpected help, advantage, or aid to success. Also, mentioned as divine or spiritual food.

Fresh manna is an online publication that will provide you with a weekly word directly from the mouth of God. I encourage you to stop by every Monday to see what the Lord will say to you!
September 5, 2011
Do you have questions about the word of God that you would like to ask Evangelist Hawkins? Are there scriptures that you need clarity on? Do you have a special prayer request? If so, please take a moment to complete the online form below. Your request will be forwarded confidentially and directly to a secure email address for viewing by Sis. Tracey.

Submissions are received daily and responded to in order of receipt.

Remember, I am here to serve you and help mature you to that place God has ordained for you.

With Love,
Tracey Hawkins Ministries, Inc.
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January 2011

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May 2011

James 4:12(King James Version) says: There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another?

Brothers and sisters, I am excited about the word of God. While reading the book of James, I found that James warns against speaking evil of brethren and judging one another, lest they become judges and not doers of the law. James asks his readers to consider the source of wars and fights among themselves.  He identifies the problem as their own desires for pleasure which war within themselves. This book helps us to see the importance and means of befriending God, of not speaking evil of brethren, and planning for the future with the Lord's will in mind. I believe that James' ultimate goal is to obtain unity in the body of Christ. In the body of Christ, we often find that there is a war between, not the saints and the sinners, but mostly, between the saints. Now although it is all wrong, I just believe that the saints warring against each other is the worst, simply because we should be showing those who may not be walking with God how to live together in peace instead of confusing them with our actions. This particular verse tells us, There is one lawgiver, who is able to save and to destroy: who art thou that judgest another? In other words, there is only one that gives the laws and only one that is able to save us and destroy us, and His name is Jesus Christ. Who are we to judge anyone? In other words, who are we to talk about anyone or even think about assuming things about them when we are not the ones to give them the laws in which they should follow and obey? I believe that if we would think about all the laws that we've broken and how it felt when others expressed themselves about us, then we wouldn't be so quick to do it to someone else. In conclusion, brothers and sisters, instead of expressing everything we feel, pray about it. Now that is not to say don't tell them right from wrong, but the way we say it to them will determine how they will receive and respond to it. Also, know that it is better shown than told. That simply means, we need to show them how not to judge instead of telling them one thing and doing another. The bible tells us to pray without ceasing. (1 Thessalonians 5:17) In other words, don't ever stop praying for them as well as ourselves. In the end, God will be glorified if we all just do what He tells us to do and be patient while everyone else gets to the place that they can do the same. Be encouraged as we consider others, as ourselves, before we judge them.

Be blessed, and I hope you’ll browse next week for more “Fresh Manna”

Evangelist Hawkins